बी एड - एम एड >> बी.एड. सेमेस्टर-1 प्रश्नपत्र- IV-A - समावेशी शिक्षा बी.एड. सेमेस्टर-1 प्रश्नपत्र- IV-A - समावेशी शिक्षासरल प्रश्नोत्तर समूह
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बी.एड. सेमेस्टर-1 प्रश्नपत्र- IV-A - समावेशी शिक्षा
बी ए़ड (सेमेस्टर - 1)
पेपर 4 (A)
समावेशी शिक्षा
B.Ed. (I Semester)
Paper IV(A) - Inclusive Education
Unit I: Inclusive Education
- Concept, Meaning, and Importance of Inclusive Education. Difference between Special Education and Inclusive Education. Historical perspective of inclusive education for children with special needs.
- Inclusive Education in India: Constitutional provisions for persons with disabilities, PWD Act 1995, 2016, RTE Act 2009, and salient features of NEP-2020 to promote inclusion.
Unit II: Inclusion for Socially Disadvantaged Children
- Socially disadvantaged children: Meaning of ST, SC, OBC, Minority, Girls, and Slum children.
- Problems of socially disadvantaged children.
Unit III: Children with Special Needs
- Concept, Meaning, Classification, Characteristics, and Identification of gifted children.
- Disabilities: Types of disabilities. Characteristics, causes, and identification of educational needs. Includes mental, physical, and learning disabilities.
Unit IV: Inclusive Practices
- Inclusive practices in the classroom:
- Pedagogical strategies
- Co-operative learning strategies
- Peer tutoring
- Social learning
- Multisensory teaching
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